Our restaurant in the Okonomiyaki building. This building features 17 restaurants, all serving the same dish -- a Hiroshima specialty. The chef makes a crepe on the grille, and adds noodles, pork, spices and toppings you pick, along with a special sauce, nori and fish flakes. We were guided by a local Japanese guiding some other gaijin saying this was the bar the locals eat at. In fact, sitting next to K are two locals we met, who later gave us a ride to the station. The dish was delicious! (Brad's Photos)

Our restaurant in the Okonomiyaki building. This building features 17 restaurants, all serving the same dish -- a Hiroshima specialty. The chef makes a crepe on the grille, and adds noodles, pork, spices and toppings you pick, along with a special sauce, nori and fish flakes. We were guided by a local Japanese guiding some other gaijin saying this was the bar the locals eat at. In fact, sitting next to K are two locals we met, who later gave us a ride to the station. The dish was delicious!

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