Brad Templeton's Panoramic Photography
High Resolution Stitched Panoramic Photos
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VR Tour

Poorer panoramas from Oregon

Poorer panoramas from Oregon

See the full photo-log of the oregon trip at the Oregon Photo Essay.

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The Columbia River Gorge from Vista House at Crown Point on the old highway. Alas, a very hazy day, otherwise this would be a keeper.

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A 360 degree view of the mouth of the Columbia from the Astoria Column.

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Smith Rocks state park, along the Crooked River, near sunset.

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The Battle Rock area on the coast.

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A vertical panorama of the upper Multnomah Falls, from the bridge. d=

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Digital Camera shot of the Caldera Climate overlook at Crater Lake National park. Crater Lake is astounding and I must return to shoot it properly. The deep blue is striking and the views are indeed panoramic. d=

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The view from the south end of Crater Lake.