Brad Templeton's Photography


Collections of photos of interesting art pieces. Of course just a tiny fraction of the art. Other art photos are also seen in the night section, the Man and Temple section and the scenes section.

CORE lobster trap
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CORE lobster trap
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CORE Barrel
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CORE Barrel
CORE outhouse
(1280 x 853 - 167K)
CORE outhouse
(1280 x 853 - 139K)
(633 x 950 - 95K)
(1280 x 853 - 122K)
(1280 x 853 - 121K)
(1280 x 853 - 128K)
Rowing the Styx (zoetrope)
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Rowing the Styx (zoetrope)
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(1280 x 853 - 169K)
(1280 x 853 - 143K)
The blocks are different sizes and distances but from one point form the words of Armstrong
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The blocks are different sizes and distances but from one point form the words of Armstrong
(1280 x 853 - 117K)
(1280 x 853 - 142K)
Detail on amazing candy cane tree
(1280 x 853 - 405K)
Detail on amazing candy cane tree
End of the pier with people on it
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End of the pier with people on it
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(1280 x 853 - 142K)
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Onion domes and zoetrope
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Onion domes and zoetrope
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A wedding in one of the onion domes
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A wedding in one of the onion domes
Better at night but hard to photograph
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Better at night but hard to photograph
The Greek/Trojan horse at sunset
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The Greek/Trojan horse at sunset
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(1280 x 853 - 149K)
(1280 x 853 - 165K)
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At the entrance to a friend's camp, looked like Predator vs. Alien
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At the entrance to a friend's camp, looked like Predator vs. Alien
This tower was put far out into walk-in camping so you had to trek to explore it
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This tower was put far out into walk-in camping so you had to trek to explore it
(1280 x 853 - 195K)
People always climb these, here the sun shines through the people
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People always climb these, here the sun shines through the people
Another sunset
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Another sunset
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The points of the laser clock gathered together to be burned.
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The points of the laser clock gathered together to be burned.
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Shot of the pier at sunset
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Shot of the pier at sunset
Dusty sunset on the canes
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Dusty sunset on the canes
Detail of cane tree
(1280 x 853 - 391K)
Detail of cane tree
See night photo of this
(1280 x 853 - 220K)
See night photo of this
(633 x 950 - 132K)

Burning Man 2011 Index

Art | Art Cars | Burns | Scenes | Man and Temples | City at Night

Panoramic Photos for this trip