Brad Templeton's Panoramic Photography
High Resolution Stitched Panoramic Photos
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VR Tour

Middle East

Middle East

See also Israel

al-arab-pierchic.jpg (3924 x 1100 - 350K) or VR/Zoom!117° x 31° (Exif) Full size is 34170 x 9579 (327 Megapix) (9' 3" x 2' 7" at 309PPI)
Burj al-Arab super luxury hotel, Dubai

(1485 x 1100 - 448K) or VR/Zoom!

152° x 94° (Exif) Full size is 10743 x 7957 (85 Megapix)
(For example, 4' 6" x 3' 4" at 200PPI)

Dubai from Burj Khalifa

wait-speak.jpg (3660 x 1100 - 710K) or VR/Zoom!59° x 18° (Exif) Full size is 8268 x 2485 (20 Megapix) (3' 10" x 14" at 180PPI)
Crowd waits to hear me speak,
Dubai Wold Government Summit

(2168 x 1100 - 425K) or VR/Zoom!

97° x 55° (Exif) Full size is 28318 x 14371 (407 Megapix)
(For example, 5' 1" x 2' 7" at 463PPI)

The "Monestary" at Petra

wadi-rum-herd.jpg (5196 x 1100 - 824K) or VR/Zoom!210° x 40° (Exif) Full size is 49346 x 10447 (515 Megapix) (6' 1" x 16" at 674PPI)
Cliffs of Wadi Rum, Jordan

wadirum-martian.jpg (12797 x 1100 - 1748K) or VR/Zoom!360° x 30° (Exif) Full size is 79011 x 6791 (536 Megapix) (15' x 16" at 438PPI)
Region from Wadi Rum where The Martian was filmed

petra-360.jpg (5024 x 1100 - 1081K) or VR/Zoom!360° x 68° (Exif) Full size is 27578 x 6038 (166 Megapix) (5' 11" x 16" at 389PPI)
360 view on avenue in Petra

(1402 x 1100 - 326K) or VR/Zoom!

104° x 79° (Exif) Full size is 22381 x 17555 (393 Megapix)
(For example, 3' 4" x 2' 7" at 566PPI)

The "Treasury" of Petra

ramallah.jpg (4808 x 1100 - 871K) or VR/Zoom!360° x 82° (Set) Full size is 25265 x 5780 (146 Megapix) (5' 8" x 16" at 372PPI)
Central Ramallah, West Bank

The ritzier part of Ramallah in the west bank. (We had a small conference in the fancy hotel, alas the rest of the west bank doesn't look like this.)