Brad Templeton's Panoramic Photography
High Resolution Stitched Panoramic Photos
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VR Tour

Here are the Panoramas from my China & Yangtse Photo Essay. We went to China after K. attender her monther's High School Reunion in Hong Kong, so we could see the Yangtse before they flooded it.

greatwall.jpg (5606 x 1100 - 801K) or VR/Zoom!360° x 70° (Set) Full size is 20899 x 4101 (86 Megapix) (6' 7" x 16" at 264PPI)
On the Badaling Great Wall of China

A 360 high on the Badaling section of the Great Wall

peoplesquare.jpg (6094 x 1100 - 917K) or VR/Zoom!360° x 64° (Set) Full size is 11086 x 2001 (22 Megapix) (5' 2" x 11" at 180PPI)
People's Square at night in Shanghai

A night 360 of People's Square in Shanghai. The site was a popular makeout spot. Note the architecture which remains this varied over a vast area.

(1849 x 1100 - 203K) or VR/Zoom!

70° x 39° (Exif) Full size is 3674 x 2186 (8 Megapix)
(For example, 1' 8" x 12" at 180PPI)

Shanghai Pudong in 2002

pudong2015.jpg (2717 x 1100 - 269K) or VR/Zoom!96° x 35° (Exif) Full size is 15117 x 6120 (92 Megapix) (3' 2" x 16" at 394PPI)
Shanghai Pudong in 2015

shenzen-2.jpg (5136 x 1100 - 1400K) or VR/Zoom!360° x 67° (Exif) Full size is 25637 x 5491 (141 Megapix) (6' x 16" at 354PPI)
An electronics market in Shenzen


A Closer in view of the warriors with a 35mm lens. You can't see the front but you can see more detail.

The hall of the warriors from the side.

The left hand side is the side I climbed. This is at noon as it has filled with tourists.

Tien An Men Square at night, just before the cops forced us out. (Ok, they forced everybody out, and they do it every night.)

Inside the Forbidden City

The city of Chong Qing from a tower on its highest hilltop