Brad Templeton's Panoramic Photography
High Resolution Stitched Panoramic Photos
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The Best of Burning Man 2000

The Best of Burning Man 2000

VR Tour

I've written extensively elsewhere about Burning Man. Here are my best panoramas from it. Other pictures can be found in the photo-essays of my 1998 Burning Man trip and my 1999 Burning Man and my. 2000 Burning Man trip.

At Burning Man 2000, there was no tower on center camp, so I couldn't capture the same view for my panoramas. There was a tower next to our camp at 9:15 & Head, but that was too far away from the center of the city for the same view.

firstcamp.jpg (11369 x 1100 - 2016K) or VR/Zoom!360° x 34° (Set) Full size is 29776 x 2881 (86 Megapix) (13' 4" x 16" at 185PPI)
First Camp

I took this panorama at sunset from the deck built above "first camp", the camp of the Burning Man senior staff and owners. The deck had a roof, but that helped to block the sun at sunset. This was shot with a 50mm lens, it's a full 360.

firstcamp-sunset.jpg (12887 x 1100 - 2924K) or VR/Zoom!78° x 6° (IVR) Full size is 25154 x 2147 (54 Megapix) (11' 8" x 12" at 180PPI)
Sunset from First Camp

A closer look at the south rim of camp from the patio at First Camp.

bm-picker.jpg (16689 x 1100 - 2107K) or VR/Zoom!360° x 23° (Set) Full size is 29950 x 1974 (59 Megapix) (13' 10" x 11" at 180PPI)
Cherry Picker view above Man site

On Sunday, I got to borrow a cherry picker at the former location of the Man from the guys at Beaming Man who set up the laser towers.

I shot this panorama with a 90mm lens, showing the entire front ("Head Way") of Black Rock City.

picker-wide.jpg (6864 x 1100 - 878K) or VR/Zoom!360° x 57° (Set) Full size is 17423 x 2792 (49 Megapix) (8' 1" x 16" at 180PPI)
Cherry Picker Black Rock City

This panorama was shot from the cherry picker with a 28mm lens onto fine grain Fuji Velvia film. You can see the rails of the picker, and the burn site of the man, though not much of the city.

picker-200.jpg (12311 x 1100 - 2197K) or VR/Zoom!120° x 10° (Set) Full size is 20313 x 1815 (37 Megapix) (9' 5" x 10" at 180PPI)
Cherry Picker Detail Segment

I used the rest of the film to shoot a segment of the city around center camp with a at 200mm lens. This goes from about 4:30 to 7:30 I think. Lots of detail.

group-photo.jpg (15242 x 1100 - 2079K) or VR/Zoom!360° x 25° (Set) Full size is 29999 x 2165 (65 Megapix) (13' 11" x 12" at 180PPI)
Whole city with group photo

I promised at the camp and in the directory to do a pano photo at 1pm on Friday, and anybody who wanted to be in it could come by. I guess I didn't promote it enough because only a score of people showed up, but this is a 70mm lens panorama of 360 degrees from the tower at 9:10 and Head. Alas, since I had pre-set the time, the light was not great and clouds were abundant in most of the shots. The sun shone on the group photo folks (some of them naked of course, as invited) creating a strange mixture.

Here's a cutout from the full resolution shots of the group that came to pose for the group photo.

ocf-tower-wide.jpg (6698 x 1100 - 1130K) or VR/Zoom!360° x 59° (Set) Full size is 17148 x 2816 (48 Megapix) (7' 10" x 16" at 181PPI)
Black Rock City Tall View

Here is a 28mm full-360 shot of Black Rock City from the tower at 9:10 and Head. You can see all of Oregon Country Fair camp where we stayed, and get some idea of the scene from the end of the city.