Brad Templeton's Panoramic Photography
High Resolution Stitched Panoramic Photos
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VR Tour

The Rest of Burning Man

The Rest of Burning Man

Other pictures can be found in the photo-essays of my 1998 Burning Man trip and my 1999 Burning Man trip.

Failure making burn9x/bm99-night.jpg

I also thing Black Rock City is most spectacular at night. With now power grid it is still lit up like a Christmas Tree. Sadly, night panos are difficult and this one only caught some of the city and didn't turn out so well.

Failure making burn9x/manorama.jpg

This is my shot from 1998, a full 360 while standing on the Man. The downside is that from the Man it's almost a mile to the circular city around him and you would either need a long lens and giant panorama, or you get this shot which doesn't show much detail. Done with digital camera.